
pokemon sun and moon have anounced some pokemon will appear different due to region so the generally red fox of the game has turned into this snowy white arctic fox.

Tribute to Alan Rickman from his final film

in pokemon I fell into the age gap to which may was one of the main females and I always remembered she got a glaceon so did this to remember it.

from pokemons main games/animes this is from the black/white series. this is not an actual scene, its more of what maybe I wished happened but it may consequently half the play time of the game

madoka from the series: puella magi magica madoka

a cute experiment using pikachu

scene from the pokemon mystery dungeon franchise: darkness/time/sky

scene from the pokemon game franchise: mystery dungeon darkness/time/sky or to someone with knowledge of the games, all the end main story scenes in mysetry dungeon!